Teachings from 2020

“2020 is Drawing to a Close” (Tuesday 12/22/20)

God is sending us into the world as ambassadors for Christ [2 Cor 5:20]. (Ambassadors means resident representative of a sovereign (king) appointed for a temporary, special assignment.) He is pleading through us to a dark, lost world. Go into all the world and preach the gospel [Mark16:15]. Looking back on 2020, with the pandemic–sickness, death, family gatherings cancelled or reduced, socially distanced at church–the divisions have been terrible. As ambassadors of the world, are you reflecting the Light, sharing…

“Stay In The Race And Keep Running” – Hebrews 12 (Tuesday 12/12/20)

WARNING! WARNING! This chapter is a warning to us, do not become tired, worn or bitter. Keep pressing on, an athlete does not spend a lifetime training for their big race only to give up and stop running just short of the finish line. So it is in our lives, we cannot leave Jesus and try to return to life without Him. If we try to we find there is nothing there for us.