The AWANA program for CZ Children and youth will resume back up from their summer break on Tuesday September 17th.

For more CZ Kids information contact Eileen at (321) 960-7690

For more information on the International AWANA program you can visit their website here.

Looking forward to seeing all our friends!!

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15

What is AWANA? 

Awana is an international ministry.  The name AWANA is an acronym for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed,” which comes from their key verse: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15, [1]NKJV).

The goal of AWANA is to “reach kids and youth: helping them come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ, equip leaders, and change the world” by making one disciple at a time.

For more information on this amazing program, please visit:

Right now we have two AWANA groups meeting in the children’s center separated by grade levels.  In each column you will find the name of the group as well as the materials being used.  Uniforms (vests and t-shirts) will be given to each child once start- up booklets are completed.

Grades K-2: First 2 weeks: Flight 3:16 – Hang Glider handbook – Weekly verse – Uniform : Vest (passed out after Flight 3:16 book is completed)

Grades 3-6: First two weeks:  Start Zone – Agents of Grace handbook – Weekly verse – Uniform: T-shirt (passed out after Start zone is completed)

The teachers at Club Zion will focus on the weekly lessons that go along with the children’s handbook. Most of the handbook will be completed in class, however, there will be some activities and memory verses to be done at home as well.

I know with school, outside activities, and homework, finding time to sit and go over the handbooks or verse can seem daunting. It only takes 10 minutes a day to practice or read a little. Practicing can be done anywhere…. driving in the car, discussion at dinner, or by playing a quick game. To help, I will post a little tip each week to engage your child in conversation about their AWANA lessons or practice verses on the go.


Each week kids K and above will have the opportunity to earn “Awana Bucks”, or paper money that can then be used to “buy” prizes from our Awana Store. The Awana Store will be open approx. 1 time a month.  We will have an auction at the end of the year to spend up any remaining Awana Bucks.

The idea behind Awana Bucks is to encourage kids to be present each week, bring their book back, invite friends, and to be engaged in the program.

How to earn AWANA Bucks:

Attendance each week (1) – Bring Small Group Book each week (1) – Wearing uniform/vest (1) – Bring a new friend (5) – Participating in the theme night (1)

*These first 6 are awarded at the check-in station with Ms. Rosemary.*

Recite memory verse for the week (5) for Ms. Rosemary, Mr. Robert, Ms. Lucy or one of the teachers.   *This is awarded by leaders in the classroom. Parent signature in book and/or parent pages for current week (1).*

*Teachers/Leaders may also use their discretion to award Awana Bucks for things such as effort shown, observing positive behavior, and rewarding those showing leadership.

In the past, kids kept the bucks in an envelope in their handbook.  Oftentimes these hard earned bucks would get lost. So we are trying something new.   A pocket organizer with each person’s name is set up on the wall in one of the classrooms to keep the AWANA bucks. We hope the pocket chart will serve as a reminder to complete their at home tasks as well as keep their bucks safe until they shop.

AWANA Schedule

6:30 Doors open – 6:30- 7:00   Check in, say memory verse, short game, activity or craft. – 7:00 – 7:10   AWANA begins with music and prayer. – 7:10 – 7:35    Small Group Instruction – 7:40 – 8:00    Game time – 8:00- 8:15  –   Snack and verse practice. – 8:15  Dismissal