Teachings from June 2021

“What Happens to the Believer after Death?” (Tuesday 6/29/21)
Video (Watch) Audio (Listen) Pastor Jim takes us through scripture that describes what happens to believers after death.

CZ Radio – “God Loves You”
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.

“I Am the Resurrection and the Life” – John 11&12 (Sunday 6/27/21)
Jesus waits to resurrect Lazarus for God’s glory. We must believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Watch (Video) Listen (Audio)

“What Happens After Death?” – (Tuesday 6/22/21)
Pastor Jim highlights various scriptures that describe the nature of the afterlife, and where the soul of the unbeliever goes after death. Video (Watch) Audio (Listen)

CZ Radio – “You Have Heard an Eye for an Eye”
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.

Fatherhood (Sunday 6/20/21)
Pastor Keith takes us through the fathers in the Bible from Adam to David, but points out that our God is the ultimate example of perfect fatherhood. Video (Watch) Audio (Listen)

“Celebrate the Providence of God” – Esther 9 & 10 (Tuesday 6/15/21)
On the day that the Jews were to be annihilated, the opposite actually occurs, and the Jews overpower their enemies. Mordecai becomes famous for rescuing the Jews from their terrible fate. The Jews celebrate with feasting and gladness as they vanquish their enemies all over the region. They establish the holy day of Purim to celebrate the time that Esther successfully petitioned the king and order all generations of Jews to celebrate that day each year. Video (Watch) Audio (Listen)

The Power of God: Acts 8 (Sunday 6/13/2021)
Video (Watch) Audio (Listen) In Acts 8, Saul approved of the stoning of Stephen and was a persecutor of the church. This action was legal and applauded, much as today’s abortion is legal and applauded. People were dragged out of their houses. When the church was spread they continued to teach the gospel. God uses the evil intended for good.

CZ Radio – “A Word of Wisdom for Everyone”
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.

“Can You Find the Gospel in Here?” – Esther 7 & 8 (Tuesday 6/8/21)
Video (Watch) Audio (Listen) Queen Esther, at the banquet provided to her by the king, petitions the king to save her people from annihilation. The king discovers that Haman was behind the plot to exterminate the Jews and orders him to be hanged on the gallows that Haman had prepared for Mordecai. Mordecai is ordained the head of the house of Haman and is given his signet ring. Esther pleads with the king to revoke the order against the Jews…

Forgotten History Leads to Poor Decisions: Acts 7 (Sunday 6/6/21)
When the high priest asks Stephen about accusations, Stephen replies with the history of how God has been with the Jewish people. Video (Watch) Audio (Listen)

CZ Radio – “Are You Wore Out?”
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.
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