Teachings Archive (Page 19)

Our sermons are listed below and we have both Video and Audio of our Services and Bible studies on our Media Web Page.

You can access them at the following links: Sunday Sermons (Video) & (Audio) and Bible Studies (Video) & (Audio).

Please enjoy and share the word of God
with anyone and everyone.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Hebrews 6:11-20, part 3 (Tuesday 10/27/20)

Jews were keeping “the law” in order to get to heaven and that’s not how you get to heaven. The hope is in the promises that they inherited by Abraham. Abraham is an example of faith and patience in God’s promise. He waited 25 years from the time the promise was first made until Isaac, the promised son, was born. The Lord confirmed His oath to Abraham by swearing by Himself because He alone is beyond deceit. The two immutable…

“ABCs of the Faith” – Hebrews 6, Part 1 (Tuesday 10/13/20)

Hebrews 6:1-3 is reminding the Jewish followers to move past the ABC’s of the Faith. The Jews wanted to remain in Judaism which was like a picture of Christ. The Jews wanted to stay with the picture (the Jewish faith) instead of grasping the actual real relationship with Christ. Paul reminds them to move on past repentance and faith, baptisms, laying on of hands and resurrection from the dead. These are explained: Baptism is the cleansing of your heart not…