Teachings on Worship

“Miracles are Real” – Mark 3:1-6 (Sunday 2/7/21)

In Mark 3, Jesus enters the synagogue and heals a man with a withered hand on the sabbath.Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or evil? Rule-keepers love rules and don’t like to be challenged. It’s all about keeping laws.Then in Luke 13 Jesus went to the synagogue to teach and he wanted to reveal himself. There was a woman suffering from a spiritual infirmity for 18 years and Jesus called her to Himself and said “You are…

“Who Are You Following?” – John 9:13-20 (Sunday 1/24/21)

A man born blind was healed by Jesus on the Sabbath. The Pharisees, who were rule-followers, bossy, arrogant and prideful said Jesus was not from God because He was not keeping the Sabbath. Others said “If this Man was not from God, He could do nothing.” Those who do not see will see.Christ did not come to form a religion but a relationship.  Religion keeps rules and make people feel like they are good and safe. BUT it is only…