Sermons (Page 3)

Paul’s Great Farewell: Acts 20 (10/10/21)

Watch Video Listen (Audio) Acts 20 describes Paul’s Journey and Farewell sermon. He preached all day and night. Pastor Keith points out to us in verse 35 that it is better to give than to receive. When we focus on ourselves it makes us miserable, but when we focus on God and others we are blessed

Never Giving Up: Acts 18 (Sunday 9/19/21)

Pastor Keith teaches about Paul’s Journey from Athens to Corinth. Although Corinth was a city of great sin, God has many in that city! Pastor Keith encourages us all to share the gospel. Watch (Video) Listen (Audio)

Heeding the Call: Acts 16 (Sunday 9/5/21)

Video Audio (Listen) Pastor Keith teaches us to heed the call of the Lord just as Paul heeded the call to go to Macedonia and then follow the Holy Spirit to wait to deliver the gospel. He also shows us how the evil spirit was cast our of the servant girl who was using the the truth about Paul’s ministry to actually distract the message. We also should be careful to stay focused on the God’s word and not distractions.

Peter Preaches to the Gentiles: Acts:10 (Sunday 7/25/21)

Video (Watch) Audio (Listen) In Acts 10, Peter and Cornelius are two men that pray.  Peter is shown in a vision that he should not call unclean things that God made clean (meat and gentiles).  Peter resisted at first, but then went to preach the gospel to the gentiles.  We should learn from this to pray and to step out when God says to step out.