Teachings on Hebrews

“What Happens After Death?” – (Tuesday 6/22/21)
Pastor Jim highlights various scriptures that describe the nature of the afterlife, and where the soul of the unbeliever goes after death. Video (Watch) Audio (Listen)

“Stay In The Race And Keep Running” – Hebrews 12 (Tuesday 12/12/20)
WARNING! WARNING! This chapter is a warning to us, do not become tired, worn or bitter. Keep pressing on, an athlete does not spend a lifetime training for their big race only to give up and stop running just short of the finish line. So it is in our lives, we cannot leave Jesus and try to return to life without Him. If we try to we find there is nothing there for us.

“Jesus and the Temple” – Hebrews 9 (Tuesday 11/17/20)
Hebrews chapter 9 explains that Jesus is represented by symbolism in the temple. First there is the acacia wood which represents humanity. The wood is wrapped in gold which represents deity of Christ. The showbread represents that Jesus is the bread of life. The candle represents that Jesus is the light of the world and there are seven candles because Jesus is perfect. The incense burner represents the prayers of the saints and Jesus offers up intercession for the saints,…

“You Can’t Go Back; A Better Covenant” – Hebrews 8 (Tuesday 11/8/20)
Sometimes we may think it would be easier to just give up and go back to our old life. But doing this would cause us to miss out on the better covenant. this new covenant allows us to have a direct relationship with God and there will be no end to this relationship.

Hebrews 6:11-20, part 3 (Tuesday 10/27/20)
Jews were keeping “the law” in order to get to heaven and that’s not how you get to heaven. The hope is in the promises that they inherited by Abraham. Abraham is an example of faith and patience in God’s promise. He waited 25 years from the time the promise was first made until Isaac, the promised son, was born. The Lord confirmed His oath to Abraham by swearing by Himself because He alone is beyond deceit. The two immutable…

“ABCs of the Faith” – Hebrews 6, Part 1 (Tuesday 10/13/20)
Hebrews 6:1-3 is reminding the Jewish followers to move past the ABC’s of the Faith. The Jews wanted to remain in Judaism which was like a picture of Christ. The Jews wanted to stay with the picture (the Jewish faith) instead of grasping the actual real relationship with Christ. Paul reminds them to move on past repentance and faith, baptisms, laying on of hands and resurrection from the dead. These are explained: Baptism is the cleansing of your heart not…

“Jesus Is Better Than Any Other High Priest” – Hebrews 5 (Tuesday 10/6/20)
Jesus is our High Priest, there have been many high priest throughout history, but Jesus is better. Unlike all who came before Him or after Him, Jesus stands alone as the only high priest who remains a priest forever. Find out how His uniqueness in this position of High Priest guarantees the salvation of those who believe in Him forever,

Hebrews 4, Part 2 (Tuesday 9/22/20)
The Tabernacle was preached to the Israelites and was a picture of the gospel. The Israelites bring their sacrifice to the bronze alter, which was made of acacia wood (represents humanity)and wrapped in bronze (represents judgment and salvation), to the courtyard of the tabernacle . It is here where the Israelites believed in faith to sacrifice the animal for the sins of the people. God wanted to dwell with His people but there needs to be a payment for sin.…

“Faith in Jesus is the Rest” – Hebrews 4, Part 1 (Tuesday 9/15/20)
In Hebrews chapter 4, Paul reminds the Jews that there is rest in Jesus through faith. In verse 8 Paul shows that Joshua still speaks of a future rest so entering the promise land was not the rest. If we hear the word without faith it does not benefit us, but if we hear the word with faith we can rest. If we buy a house we expect to take possession of the house. We cannot enter the rest if…

“Jesus is Better Than Moses” – Hebrews 3 (Tuesday 9/8/20)
Learn how Jesus is not only different than Moses, but why He is better than Moses. Jesus was better in His Person; in His ministry; and in the rest He gives us. In His Person He a son in the house of God not a servant, in His ministry He is both an apostle and high priest, in His rest… we find freedom from the bondage of sin.

Hebrews 2, part 1 (Tuesday 8/25/20)
Hebrews Chapter 2:1-4 Know the truth in Christ. If you have gifts of the Holy Spirit, you are able to love all people. Pay attention to God’s Word; obey. Do you pay close attention to your salvation? The whole bible is about the gospel. Jews were missing the mark. They wanted Jesus plus works–following temple practices. Jesus finished it. Christians can’t escape unrepentant sin. The gift is the work of Christ through you as a witness. Take your gifts and…
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