Teachings from January 2021

CZ Radio – “Prayer”
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.

“Nothing is Impossible” – Acts 3:4-22 (Sunday 1/31/21)
Have you ever felt that you don’t measure up? That you just aren’t good enough? We cannot rely on the law or trying to be a pretty good person to get us into heaven, there is only one way. Jesus is the one who redeems us, it is not Jesus plus us doing something to earn our way there. This is an overview of the book of Galatians, a church who was being told they needed more than Jesus.

Building Strong Relationships: Part 4
Pastor Keith shares what the Word says about building strong relationships.

“Who Are You Following?” – John 9:13-20 (Sunday 1/24/21)
A man born blind was healed by Jesus on the Sabbath. The Pharisees, who were rule-followers, bossy, arrogant and prideful said Jesus was not from God because He was not keeping the Sabbath. Others said “If this Man was not from God, He could do nothing.” Those who do not see will see.Christ did not come to form a religion but a relationship. Religion keeps rules and make people feel like they are good and safe. BUT it is only…

CZ Radio – “Noah’s Ark”
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.

Building Strong Relationships: Part 3
Pastor Keith shares what the Word says about building strong relationships.

Galatians: Chapter 2 (Tuesday 1/19/21)
Apostle Paul goes to great lengths to clarify the gospel message. The only way a person can be justified before God is by faith in Jesus Christ. Judaizers were teaching the mosaic law and the need for circumcision for a person to become a Christian. These false brethren maintained that one had token the Jewish law in order to be saved. They refused to confess that salvation was God’s gift through faith alone. As Paul explains that would be a…

CZ Radio – “Train Up A Child”
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.

Building Strong Relationships: Part 2
Pastor Keith shares what the Word says about building strong relationships.
“No Other Gospel” – Galatians 1 (Tuesday 1/12/21)
In Galatians Chapter 1, the Apostle Paul is correcting teachings from others claiming that Judaism and all the law still needed to be followed along with being a Christian. His apostleship was being questioned and he reminds the church in verse 4 that this word did not come through man. In Galatians 1:8 Paul warns the church that if anyone preached any other gospel, even an angel from heaven, they should be accursed. Despite this warning, there are several religions…

CZ Radio – “Religion Missed the Mark”
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.
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