Teachings from October 2021

A Faithful Witness Against Adversity: Acts 23 (October 31)
Watch (Video) Listen (Audio) Paul keeps trusting the Lord though the Jews are trying to kill him. Jesus appears to him and tells him he will go to Rome. Pastor Keith teaches us to trust God with our past, present and future.

Lies vs. Truth: 2 Thessalonians 2 (10/26/21)
Video (watch) Audio (Listen) Pastor Keith shows us the events that have to come before the coming of the Lord such as the great fallen away.

Paul’s Conversion: Acts 22 (10/24/21)
Watch (Video) Listen (Audio) Paul is explaining his conversion before the angry crowd in Jerusalem. Paul’s question when God spoke to Him in the Light was “what do you want me to do Lord?” Pastor Keith explains that this should be our attitude before the Lord instead of asking the Lord to change our circumstances

The Saint’s Reward – The Sinner’s Judgement: 2 Thessalonians: 1:5-12 (10/19/21)
Watch (Video) Listen (Audio) God is just and by that justice will punish all sin. God is so loving that he gave His only Son to pay that debt for all who believe in Him and trust in the finished work on the cross.

Persecution Arises – Faith Endures: Acts 21 (10-17-21)
Watch (Video) Listen (Audio) In Acts 21, Paul sees more persecution when he goes to Jerusalem. Despite warnings about the danger he would face there, his faith arises even if he is bound and even to death.

Resting in the Lord: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4 (10/12/21)
Watch (Video) Listen (Audio)

CZ Radio – Train Up A Child
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.

Paul’s Great Farewell: Acts 20 (10/10/21)
Watch Video Listen (Audio) Acts 20 describes Paul’s Journey and Farewell sermon. He preached all day and night. Pastor Keith points out to us in verse 35 that it is better to give than to receive. When we focus on ourselves it makes us miserable, but when we focus on God and others we are blessed

How to Survive These Times: 2 Thessalonians Introduction(10/5/21)
Watch (Video) Listen Audio 2 Thessalonians explains that persecution is part of the Christian life, it describes the coming of the Lord and how Christians are to be busy in the Lord’s work before He comes.

CZ Radio – The Word of God is Living and Active
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.
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