Teachings on Sin

The Perfect Gift-Part 2:Romans 5:12-21 (1/18/22)
Watch (Video) Listen (Audio) Pastor Keith Explains how we are in judgement through one man’s sin, but clothed with righteousness through one Man’s righteous act.

Judge Not So You are Not Judged Yourself: Romans 2 (12/7/21)
Watch (Video) Listen (Audio) Romans 2 explains that even the Jew, that sets themselves up in judgement over others, is a sinner as well as the Gentile.

“What Happens After Death?” – (Tuesday 6/22/21)
Pastor Jim highlights various scriptures that describe the nature of the afterlife, and where the soul of the unbeliever goes after death. Video (Watch) Audio (Listen)

CZ Radio – “Adam and Eve” Genesis 2:7
Listen to Pastor Keith Capizzi’s Weekly Radio Broadcast on WRRJ 89.7 FM every Sunday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.

Hebrews 2, part 1 (Tuesday 8/25/20)
Hebrews Chapter 2:1-4 Know the truth in Christ. If you have gifts of the Holy Spirit, you are able to love all people. Pay attention to God’s Word; obey. Do you pay close attention to your salvation? The whole bible is about the gospel. Jews were missing the mark. They wanted Jesus plus works–following temple practices. Jesus finished it. Christians can’t escape unrepentant sin. The gift is the work of Christ through you as a witness. Take your gifts and…

“It’s About Love” – Matthew 5:21-26 (Tuesday 6/30/20)
Jesus Gives us instructions for living life. He calls us to love.

“Rules Equal Love” – Matthew 5:17-20 (Tuesday 6/23/20)
God gave us the law so that we could come to know Him. It’s not a list of dos and don’ts, but rather a compass to point us toward our need for God.