Teachings on Galatians
“How to Handle People Who Failed You” – Galatians 6 (Tuesday 2/16/21)
The religious rule keepers putting heavy burdens on the Gentile Christians and making them feel that they don’t measure up to the seniority of the Jews, therefore, making them feel like a lesser Christian than the legal Christians. Do you find yourself judging our fellow brethren? And if so, how can you correct our behavior and restore your fellow brethren who feels spiritually insignificant?
“Exercise Freedom without Abusing your Right” – Galatians 5 (Tuesday 2/9/21)
The legalist wanted the Galatians to add works to their salvation, but salvation plus anything else leaves out justification by faith in Jesus. Just as a master of a slave wants to keep a free slave bound, the legalist want to keep you in bondage. We are free in Christ and the law is fulfilled by loving God and loving our neighbors through Christ. We should not use this liberty as a license for sin. Galatians state that those who…
“Children of God” – Galatians 4 (Tuesday 2/2/21)
Jesus the Son of God has redeemed us. We are no longer slaves but are now children of God. Liberty gives us all we need to live Christian lives. But living under law is living in bondage which is living as beggars. To walk in grace in the liberty of Christ leaves you strong and adequately equipped. We are free from bondage! We are free from works of the Law. There is freedom in Christ! The law brings death; Jesus…

Galatians: Chapter 2 (Tuesday 1/19/21)
Apostle Paul goes to great lengths to clarify the gospel message. The only way a person can be justified before God is by faith in Jesus Christ. Judaizers were teaching the mosaic law and the need for circumcision for a person to become a Christian. These false brethren maintained that one had token the Jewish law in order to be saved. They refused to confess that salvation was God’s gift through faith alone. As Paul explains that would be a…
“No Other Gospel” – Galatians 1 (Tuesday 1/12/21)
In Galatians Chapter 1, the Apostle Paul is correcting teachings from others claiming that Judaism and all the law still needed to be followed along with being a Christian. His apostleship was being questioned and he reminds the church in verse 4 that this word did not come through man. In Galatians 1:8 Paul warns the church that if anyone preached any other gospel, even an angel from heaven, they should be accursed. Despite this warning, there are several religions…

“Who Is Jesus?” (Tuesday 7/28/20)
Have you ever wondered just who is this Jesus? What makes Him different than any other man who has walked this earth? Here is a start to understanding who He is.