Teachings on 1 Thessalonians

“Has the Tribulation Begun?” 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 (Tuesday 9/28/21)
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1 Thessalonians 2:7-20 (Tuesday 8/17/21)
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“Be A Gospel Spreader” – 1 Thessalonians 2:1-6 (Tuesday 8/10/21)
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Our Gospel Our Message: 1 Thessalonians 1-10 (Tuesday 8/3/21)
Video (Watch) Audio (Listen) The Thessalonian church is excited about God despite their affliction. Paul was sent there and the gospel is spread and is now writing to encourage them. We are not to isolate but to go out and spread the Word. Be a Christian that observes, interprets and does the Word through the Holy Spirit.

Introduction to 1 Thessalonians – (Tuesday 7/27/21)
Video (Watch) Audio (Listen) 1 Thessalonians is believed to have been written by Paul the Apostle around 51 AD. Paul writes a letter to the church of Thessalonica in order to warn them of the vulnerability in compromising with unbelievers. He desired to ground them in Christian doctrine and urges them to stay steadfast in their faith and not return to immorality.