A message from Pastor Keith

I’m Pastor Keith Capizzi,
As your Pastor, I want to first thank our God and Lord Jesus Christ for the incredible opportunity and privilege to serve you. I look forward to another year as we co-labor together in serving our Lord. Thank you for all of the help, cooperation, and encouragement you’ve shown in serving this ministry over the years. It’s a blessing to me to be your Pastor and I consider it an honor to serve the Body of Christ.
What I love most about Club Zion is that no matter what God accomplishes through us – we are all eager to give God the glory for it all. We have all watched the Lord move in and through so many lives over the years. It has been encouraging, exciting, exhilarating, and joyous to stand in His presence and watch Him work. It is so great to be a child of God and to have such a beautiful family as we do here at Club Zion.
As we go forward, I pray that we all keep our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ striving to keep the unity of the faith in the bond of peace, continuing to love one another. Our work is not over and we still have so much more to do. This work can only be done through the power of the Holy Spirit and not in our own strength. With all the opportunities that God continues to lay before us, I thank you from the depths of my heart for all that you do in serving our Lord Jesus Christ. I look forward to another great year in God’s strength.
Your Pastor and Servant in the Lord,
Pastor Keith Capizzi
About Pastor Keith and his family
I grew up in Long Island, New York. My wife Debbie and I were married in 1977. We then moved to Florida and our son “little Keith”, who is now taller than both of us, was born in September of 1978.

Regardless of my sinful and rebellious past, God’s love abounds in my life. God had a plan for my life that I was not aware of. On May 15, 1988 at 9:00 a.m., God, in His grace and mercy, reached down from heaven and offered me the Word of truth. You see, for the previous three months, I had been exposed to hearing the Word of God, and it was convicting me of my lifestyle. I knew He was challenging me to make a decision. He wanted me to choose between His way or my way. So, on that day in May, I chose Jesus Christ to be my authority in all things.
At that time I did not know the implications of my decision. I did not know that God would teach me to read, or to become Pastor Keith. Me? No way! But, here I am! Bold, confident, and anointed to do His will. God has given me a vision for His people. I say this as a servant of the Lord God Almighty, to implement His already written Word.
We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father,
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3