Weather permitting we meet Sundays at 12pm on the beach at 8th St. South across the street from the church. Bring games, chairs, surfboards, or anything that will enhance your beach experience!
No sign-up necessary! Just show up, or call David at (813) 650-3754 for
more information.
We had so much fun at Surf Camp that we just can’t wait until next year for more! Club Zion is hosting an informal gathering every Sunday after service and fellowship at 12:00pm on the beach at 8th St. South across the street from the church where we will pray together, play together, and enjoy the beauty and majesty of God’s creation in our own backyard! We will gather as a spiritual family and continue to deepen our friendships among children and adults alike. Our goal is to provide an alternative surfing environment to the regular surfing scene with Christian role models.
All are welcome!
O LORD, how manifold are Your works! In Wisdom You have made them all.
Psalm 104:24-25
The earth is full of Your possessions — This great and wide sea, in which are innumerable teeming things, living things both small and great.