Still Waters Youth Ranch of Appalachia
Mission Trip July 18th – 23rd, 2022

To learn more about SWYR and their mission to help the forgotten children of rural Kentucky, please visit their website at

Club Zion has been traveling for five consecutive years to rural Kentucky to assist Still Waters Youth Ranch in their vision to provide 5 homes on 125 acres to children who have been orphaned by the drug epidemic. This will be our second visit in 2021. SWYR believes true life and healing come from the power of God through the Holy Spirit and plans to offer Christ-centered child development to children in need. There are over 8,000 children in foster care in rural Kentucky with that number growing rapidly. The children chosen for this project will be placed in homes with consistent parental figures who can give them a stable upbringing and provide them with the spiritual, emotional, and practical skills they need to thrive. If you would like more information, visit their website here.
Help construct Stillwaters Youth Ranch of Appalachia. SWYR plans to offer 5 homes on 125 acres to children who have been orphaned by the drug epidemic. Actual work will be determined closer to the trip dates.
The First Baptist Church provides free lodging in a gymnasium that has separate showers & restrooms for men and women. Multiple rooms permit men, women, and couples to sleep in separate rooms – bring your own air mattress or cot, bedding, towels, toiletries and earplugs. WiFi is available. A church washing machine & dryer are available. Local stores are closeby if you forget something.
Club Zion will furnish all food, drinks, & snacks beginning with dinner on Tuesday through breakfast on Friday. A total of 14 meals will be provided. If you have a MAJOR food allergy, please advise Melony Kelly and we will do our best to accomodate you, but it is not always possible.
Adults & Youth $150, Children (under 12) $75. Make checks payable to: Club Zion Community Church. The mission trip fee pays for all food, snacks, drinks, supplies, misc. trip expenses, and for some of the expense of the materials used in renovation. Any mission fees or donations in excess of actual mission trip costs will be used to support Club Zion Community Church ministries and activities. Payments can be made on an installment plan.
Mission trip costs including travel are generally tax deductible provided you itemize deductions and your primary trip activity is mission work. Please check with your personal tax advisor.
Travel cost: (gas, food, lodging) to Barbourville and returning home is the responsibility of each missionary. Car-pooling is strongly encouraged to minimize out-of-pocket expenses.
- No drinking alcohol at any time during the mission trip
- No smoking anything during the mission trip
- No cursing
- Appropriate dress at all times
- No leaving the building after lights out
- Do not leave the worksite unannounced – stay with the group
- Youth cannot leave church facility or the work site without a chaperone approved by Pastor Keith
- Attend morning devotions & evening devotions when held
- All mission trip plans and activities are subject to change
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially those who are of the household of faith.”
Galatians 6:9-10
Kentucky Mission Trip July 2021

Kentucky Mission Trip 2020

Kentucky Mission Trip 2019